After many years within the exterior paint industry, we have uncovered that attention to detail, communication, and hard work is what you want out of your home paint contractor. In an effort to meet those needs and take the pain out of painting, we have developed a very specific procedure we like to follow when tackling a home paint project!
Exterior Services
Trim, Brick, Decks, Gutters, Sheds, Garage Doors, Garage Floors, Garage Interiors, Wood Repairs, Siding Replacement, Stucco Painting/Repairs, Specialty Coating, Staining, Spraying, Roll & Brush, Free Color Consultation
Free Painting Consultation:
We will assess and communicate what the needs of your home are during your onsite free painting consultation and estimate.
Detailed Quote:
We will provide you with a comprehensive quote detailing the job scope, requirements and price.
Color Consultation:
Upon request, we will assist you during your color selection journey.
Prepare the Surface:
We will prepare the surface by power washing the exterior of the home and completing any repairs: Cover loose nails/screws, Repair or replace damaged siding, Caulking, Priming any bare surfaces.
Protect Your Home:
We will prepare the area for the work by putting down drop cloths and masking off areas that are not getting painted.
We will complete the painting outlined on your signed contract.
Clean Up:
We will unmask the area, clean up and dispose of any trash.
Final Walk-Through:
We will walk the project with you to ensure 100% satisfaction with the work complet-ed and collect final payment.